30 min. swim.
8x100 on the track, followed by weights (strength). Tired.
Was going to do some sort of cardio, but I screwed up my legs yesterday. The top sides of my thighs ( Rectus femoris according to wikipedia) which hurt mildly yesterday, were full of knots and just generally in terrible shape. Heat, massage, rest...
30 min swim and weights (endurance). Legs seem okay, though still healing. Probably be fine to go on a run tomorrow.
laziness. no workout.
I ran for about an hour and Charlie did sprints. Then we did a free weights workout (strength). Both of us are feeling pretty good, so I think we'll start moving up on weight and reps on the strength and endurance days, respectively.
It's been a month since the marathon, and I'm lamenting my loss of running skill/strength/endurance/etc. I think a better plan than these long, meandering hour long runs is to do shorter, more controlled runs where I concentrate on running well.
3 mile run. Felt pretty good.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Spring Break (March 24-30)
In TX Sunday through Friday.
At my parents' house. Went for an easy jog around the neighborhood, maybe 30-45 min? Flat, windy, sunny... plenty of space. I think Texans generally don't like other states because they feel claustrophobic.
In german club in high school, some friends and I made a video for a German Club competition. I looked for the tape when I was home, but couldn't find it. However, I did find the original video camera footage so I put that on my computer. I've started to re-edit it and I plan to put it on youtube eventually.
Also saw my uncle for the first time in a while (wanderlust on his part), which was very cool.
Went to Bally's with my dad and had a great workout! I finally felt on top of things again, I guess I'm over the whole finals week/jetlag stuff (assuming I believe in jetlag). Did a tempo workout on the treadmill and then random free weights for another half an hour.
Went to Babe's for dinner--the Carrollton location. It was about the same as Roanoke, except the waitresses were way too perky and not as fun, and the biscuits were lame. Not that I'm complaining, though--the chicken fried steak hit the spot like always.
I took this day off ate all of my little sister's Easter candy.
Crappy run. I went around noon, and it was hot hot hot and super windy. I didn't believe that the wind could have a significant effect, but I was wrong... ended up taking a detour through some neighborhood streets to try to avoid the south wind. Allergies killing me, like the rest of the week. Oh well.
Flew home, then went to the gym. 20 min on bike to warm up, then free weights for about 45 min to an hour. Had BBQ for lunch on the way to the airport. The place was called Bone Daddy's ( and was basically a Hooter's except with good food. I think I was the only female there, other than the waitresses. Not that that kind of ratio is unusual for me....
Easy jog down to lacy and back, about 5 mi. DDR later in the day.
About 30 min of swimming, then weights (endurance).
Finished the german club video. Let me know if you'd like to see it!
At my parents' house. Went for an easy jog around the neighborhood, maybe 30-45 min? Flat, windy, sunny... plenty of space. I think Texans generally don't like other states because they feel claustrophobic.
In german club in high school, some friends and I made a video for a German Club competition. I looked for the tape when I was home, but couldn't find it. However, I did find the original video camera footage so I put that on my computer. I've started to re-edit it and I plan to put it on youtube eventually.
Also saw my uncle for the first time in a while (wanderlust on his part), which was very cool.
Went to Bally's with my dad and had a great workout! I finally felt on top of things again, I guess I'm over the whole finals week/jetlag stuff (assuming I believe in jetlag). Did a tempo workout on the treadmill and then random free weights for another half an hour.
Went to Babe's for dinner--the Carrollton location. It was about the same as Roanoke, except the waitresses were way too perky and not as fun, and the biscuits were lame. Not that I'm complaining, though--the chicken fried steak hit the spot like always.
I took this day off ate all of my little sister's Easter candy.
Crappy run. I went around noon, and it was hot hot hot and super windy. I didn't believe that the wind could have a significant effect, but I was wrong... ended up taking a detour through some neighborhood streets to try to avoid the south wind. Allergies killing me, like the rest of the week. Oh well.
Flew home, then went to the gym. 20 min on bike to warm up, then free weights for about 45 min to an hour. Had BBQ for lunch on the way to the airport. The place was called Bone Daddy's ( and was basically a Hooter's except with good food. I think I was the only female there, other than the waitresses. Not that that kind of ratio is unusual for me....
Easy jog down to lacy and back, about 5 mi. DDR later in the day.
About 30 min of swimming, then weights (endurance).
Finished the german club video. Let me know if you'd like to see it!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Work... (March 17-23)
Lots of work this week (finals), so I doubt I'll be following any sort of organized workout schedule. Just trying to get in workouts wherever I can.
Ran down to Lacy Park and back. Started out kinda slow and tight, but did the last two miles hard and fast (short, quick stride) and felt really good. Now back to writing papers...
I went for one or two runs this weekend, and maybe went to the gym. I don't remember that well. Either way, not fantastic workouts since I didn't sleep much the past week.
Went home with Charlie on Sunday afternoon.
Ran down to Lacy Park and back. Started out kinda slow and tight, but did the last two miles hard and fast (short, quick stride) and felt really good. Now back to writing papers...
I went for one or two runs this weekend, and maybe went to the gym. I don't remember that well. Either way, not fantastic workouts since I didn't sleep much the past week.
Went home with Charlie on Sunday afternoon.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Transition Week 2 (March 10-16)
Ran around aimlessly for about 30 min. Legs were fine, but apparently I ran too soon after eating dinner because I was plagued by digestive issues. lame.
UPDATE: I have the best friends ever.
Ran down to the gym, then 10 min on row machine for warm up. Weights (strength). Felt good; finished almost all of it (a few reps on curls/shoulder). Legs feel great! I think I'll try a longer run this weekend (7-9 or so) just to see how they're doing endurance-wise.
The idea was to go play some DDR after my library shift, but there were people there already and we didn't want to have to take turns. So we walked to the gym and played some racquetball. Charlie seems to have aggravated his lower back, which he may have strained during weights yesterday? It's not good.. came home and iced, then laid down. Pain bending over, getting up from sitting position, etc.
For my part, I was tired and grouchy most of the day. Going to sleep in somewhat and then go back to the dentist tomorrow.
Dentist sucked. Charlton's definitely not in good shape. On KB's advice, went to the trainer, who gave some advice and showed him some stretches. Busy, no workout.
Busy, no workout. Muscle relaxants for Charlie's back; able to move around reasonably well with support belt but still in some pain.
My plan for today was to get out early and go down to Arroyo park, maybe a 7-9 mile run. This was a complete failure... about a mile into it I felt terrible, legs were really tight and I couldn't seem to loosen them up. I kept going for about another half a mile, then gave up and jogged/walked home. This type of thing tends to happen when I'm busy and stressed out, and while I got a lot of sleep last night (10+ hrs), I hardly got any last week. So while this was disappointing I have to accept the fact that my workouts are just going to suck during finals week and I can't do anything even remotely ambitious. I'm just going to try to fit in some short runs here and there so I can sleep at night and I'm not too grouchy.
Went to the gym and did 45 min on the bike and about 25 min in the weight room afterwards. Feeling much better than yesterday, though it still feels like my legs have... I dunno, all this bad "humor" in them.. you know, in the medieval sense of the word. I think the bike ride help relieve some of this--a bloodletting of sorts. I know this is a weird analogy but that's what came to mind when I was on the bike. Charlie was feeling up to going to the gym and almost came with me (to do the bike, not weights), but thought he should probably wait one more day to be safe. Probably a good idea.
Ran around aimlessly for about 30 min. Legs were fine, but apparently I ran too soon after eating dinner because I was plagued by digestive issues. lame.
UPDATE: I have the best friends ever.
Ran down to the gym, then 10 min on row machine for warm up. Weights (strength). Felt good; finished almost all of it (a few reps on curls/shoulder). Legs feel great! I think I'll try a longer run this weekend (7-9 or so) just to see how they're doing endurance-wise.
The idea was to go play some DDR after my library shift, but there were people there already and we didn't want to have to take turns. So we walked to the gym and played some racquetball. Charlie seems to have aggravated his lower back, which he may have strained during weights yesterday? It's not good.. came home and iced, then laid down. Pain bending over, getting up from sitting position, etc.
For my part, I was tired and grouchy most of the day. Going to sleep in somewhat and then go back to the dentist tomorrow.
Dentist sucked. Charlton's definitely not in good shape. On KB's advice, went to the trainer, who gave some advice and showed him some stretches. Busy, no workout.
Busy, no workout. Muscle relaxants for Charlie's back; able to move around reasonably well with support belt but still in some pain.
My plan for today was to get out early and go down to Arroyo park, maybe a 7-9 mile run. This was a complete failure... about a mile into it I felt terrible, legs were really tight and I couldn't seem to loosen them up. I kept going for about another half a mile, then gave up and jogged/walked home. This type of thing tends to happen when I'm busy and stressed out, and while I got a lot of sleep last night (10+ hrs), I hardly got any last week. So while this was disappointing I have to accept the fact that my workouts are just going to suck during finals week and I can't do anything even remotely ambitious. I'm just going to try to fit in some short runs here and there so I can sleep at night and I'm not too grouchy.
Went to the gym and did 45 min on the bike and about 25 min in the weight room afterwards. Feeling much better than yesterday, though it still feels like my legs have... I dunno, all this bad "humor" in them.. you know, in the medieval sense of the word. I think the bike ride help relieve some of this--a bloodletting of sorts. I know this is a weird analogy but that's what came to mind when I was on the bike. Charlie was feeling up to going to the gym and almost came with me (to do the bike, not weights), but thought he should probably wait one more day to be safe. Probably a good idea.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Transition Week 1
Rest day. Fairly sore, but not too bad. Only problem area is lower left leg (compensating for right hip during the run?) which has a few knots. Spend about half an hour massaging/stretching. Drinking tons of water.
Rest day. Feeling pretty good, actually. Sore getting out of bed, but after that I'm fine. More massage in the evening.
Went to the gym to get our 5 rep max numbers, which are on the right under "Weight Training". Charlie seems to be coming down with a cold. =(
Crazy weights (strength). Finished everything but the squats and lunges--quads started to cramp up (!) I'm going to blame this on energy-depleted muscles (dehydrated and didn't eat anything all day except some pasta right before) rather than marathon fatigue. Going to be careful though... no reason to get injured.
By the way, dentist + hangover = arrrrrghghhh
Played a little DDR, but otherwise just chilled out today. Was ridiculously tired and sore, so I decided to take a break.
Endurance day at the gym. After biking down there, I had a quick, easy jog down to lacy park and back. Legs definitely still work, though obviously not 100%. Knot in right AT. Endurance weights weren't that bad, though I feel funny doing ballet squats.
Rest day. Groggy. Made bread.
Rest day. Fairly sore, but not too bad. Only problem area is lower left leg (compensating for right hip during the run?) which has a few knots. Spend about half an hour massaging/stretching. Drinking tons of water.
Rest day. Feeling pretty good, actually. Sore getting out of bed, but after that I'm fine. More massage in the evening.
Went to the gym to get our 5 rep max numbers, which are on the right under "Weight Training". Charlie seems to be coming down with a cold. =(
Crazy weights (strength). Finished everything but the squats and lunges--quads started to cramp up (!) I'm going to blame this on energy-depleted muscles (dehydrated and didn't eat anything all day except some pasta right before) rather than marathon fatigue. Going to be careful though... no reason to get injured.
By the way, dentist + hangover = arrrrrghghhh
Played a little DDR, but otherwise just chilled out today. Was ridiculously tired and sore, so I decided to take a break.
Endurance day at the gym. After biking down there, I had a quick, easy jog down to lacy park and back. Legs definitely still work, though obviously not 100%. Knot in right AT. Endurance weights weren't that bad, though I feel funny doing ballet squats.
Rest day. Groggy. Made bread.
New workout plan
Now that the marathon's over, the next workout plan is pretty different. Charlie is sick of running, so we'll be focusing on weights, swimming, etc, and generally trying to keep daily workout times under an hour (for the aerobic portion at least). I will probably keep running pretty regularly, if only because we're moving up north in a few months and I want to take advantage of awesome Pasadena running while I still can.
We're roughly following one of the weight training plans in the Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide, which is a year long. Here is the basic plan:
Overall goals: Increased strength, muscular endurance, and definition. Weight maintenance. Build up a good swimming base.
We're roughly following one of the weight training plans in the Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide, which is a year long. Here is the basic plan:
- Activation phase. Get used to lifting regularly again. The workouts here will generally be three days on, one day off, with the first and third days being "total body" workouts with weights, and the second day with no weights. We'll also start swimming some during this time, and maybe running/biking/whatever as we like. Generally taking it easy. This phase lasts 4 weeks, with the last week being a rest period with minimal weights. [spreadsheets are on the right, under "Weight Training"]
- Strength Development. Typical workouts are 30-50% of 5RM (5 rep max) for 12 reps, then 70% x 8, then 80% x 5. These will also be three days on, one day off, rotating between muscle groups on the different days (e.g., chest, back, legs), so effectively we work each group twice a week. This phase lasts about 2 months
- Muscle Endurance. Typical workouts are several sets of 30-50% x 20 reps. Here, reps are more important than percentage. Lasts about 3 months.
- Repeat strength and endurance periods
- Cross training/relative rest period for about a month.
Overall goals: Increased strength, muscular endurance, and definition. Weight maintenance. Build up a good swimming base.
Charlton Beats Jessica in LA marathon with last second surge of energy.
Charlton did it! Results from
Inexplicably, I beat Charlie on time, but lost to him in overall place (8688 vs 8689). Hmm...
Here's the breakdown for me, as well as I can recall:

The woman on the left is apparently some kind of a zombie:

I like the woman in the back here. Raise the roof, baby:
I told Charlie, "There's only one thing you have to do, and that's look good when you cross the finish line. The rest of the race doesn't even matter." I'd say we accomplished that. =) He was fantastic those last few moments.
Bib | FName | State | Age | Sex | ChipTime | ClockTime | Overall | SexPl | DivPl | ![]() | Starttime | Pace | Split10K | Half | Split30K | |||
13969 | Charlton | CA | 21 | M | 05:33:15 | 05:38:24 | 8688 | 6273 | 664 | 37.6% | 00:05:09.56 | 12:42.8 | 1:07:18 | 2:35:53 | 3:43:55 | |||
7247 | Jessica | CA | 21 | F | 05:33:15 | 05:38:23 | 8689 | 2416 | 334 | 40.6% |
Inexplicably, I beat Charlie on time, but lost to him in overall place (8688 vs 8689). Hmm...
Here's the breakdown for me, as well as I can recall:
- Miles 1-9: Start out about 10 min mile pace, slowing to about 11 min miles as the course levels out. This part goes by fast, feeling generally good. Legs tight; try to stretch/massage my right hip about mile 9 or so.
- Miles 10-17: Not feeling as great as I think I should be. Most likely it's the heat--it wasn't particularly bad, but warmer than I'm used to and I am just really lame when it comes to running in the heat. Or maybe I could blame it on poor training. Who knows.
- Miles 18-20: feeling pretty terrible. In retrospect, I guess you could say I hit "the wall" here. We start to walk a little too long after water stations, and during mile 20 or 21 we stop to get tylenol. I realize we're not going to make 5 hrs and get depressed, which doesn't help.
- Miles 21-22: Still not feeling too hot. Drinking at every water station, also put some more bananas and oranges in my belly. Walk/run at this point.
- Mile 22 or so: tylenol kicks in, I get my second wind! Oh god it was so great being able to move my legs properly again
- Mile 23-25: Feeling pretty good
- Mile 25-end: Feeling awesome! During the last stretch there were so many people lined up along the street, cheering us on. Super awesome! It's a shame Charlton beat me in the last moments. I thought I was going to win and everything. I he has such awesome strong legs to boost him through the last seconds of the race.

The woman on the left is apparently some kind of a zombie:

I like the woman in the back here. Raise the roof, baby:

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